Wednesday, December 21, 2011



If we cannot comprehend “THOUGHT,” we cannot comprehend “Time;” if we cannot comprehend “TIME,” we cannot comprehend “Space;” if we cannot comprehend “SPACE,” we cannot comprehend “Nature;” if we cannot comprehend “NATURE,” we cannot comprehend “Man;” if we cannot comprehend “MAN,” we cannot comprehend “Symbol;” if we cannot comprehend “SYMBOL,” we cannot comprehend “Word;” and if we cannot comprehend “WORD,” “How can we comprehend ‘GOD?’”—THE SPIRIT OF LIGHT.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”—Genesis 1:27.

The passage above clearly noted that God created man in His image and likeness; and if so, “Do you think God would just give Man an easy way to understand his CREATOR?”  If God gave everyone of power, “Do you think He would just let the Man figure it out that easy?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Many, in the ancient time, including the Alchemists, had tried and, partially, succeeded, but none came close, but "The Messiah."

122111.1--Message for Today: Joy, sorrow

This message is unaltered, a message written on a page of a notebook that I'm posting here raw from the materials collected.  The message is, "There's joy after sorrow!" If God's Will, all we can hope that after all this darkness that we've been through, the message will prevail.  And I believe that we are not out of the woods, yet.  In fact, we are in the middle of it.  To those who have been affected by natural and man-made disasters, this is a good sign.  But even this, we continue to hope, and do our own best to prepare ourselves in any unforeseen calamities that may strike.  We have to stay awake.  It is an import job in our life, so we can be aware of the cause and effect of the actions that we will have had created.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

121511.13--Message for Today: After floods illnesses come; stars coming down

Please bear with me on the following messages, because it was difficult for me to make a decision to post them but I have to:

1.  "Stars are coming down from above."

2.  After the flooding there will be different kind of illnesses that come out of it.  Please be aware of this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


For the last three months I have been visited and revisited a vision, a “Vision of Love.”   It is a kind of love that needs to be taught or shared.  For all this time, the time since I had this strange vision about the message of Love, I was worried, uneasy and confused.

My current experience with a woman is with a young and amazing lady I met over two years ago through a strange but divine chance.  We have been seeing each other since then, but in a very complicated process, and in a sort of platonic relationship.  I have been learning about her, and me, and about “True Love,” the ultimate LOVE, the Love that GOD has showed to all of us but we never understood it—the “Soul-Spirit-Soul kind of Love”—“Three-In-One”—“The I Am Love!”

I was married for almost seven years, then, divorced; and so I admit, thought I had enough experienced in the subject of men and women relationship before I got strangely married; and regarding sexual intimacy with opposite sex, I’m still learning more, particularly in the soul-spirit-soul relations.  I may not be a professional individual to give sound advice on human relationship issues, and sex and love, but I am confident that I have enough knowledge and experience to share my personal background of the matter, particularly in the philosophical and personal aspects of the man and woman beings, and the matters that make them come together or stay apart from each other, that is, sex and love.

But most importantly, what drove me to share this matter of "LOVE" to you is that, I believe, not to mention the issues of same sex marriage our society is facing today, it is one of the major problems that is associated with the change or progress of our culture today; and that the Spirit of Higher Will has been so much affected with this collective emotions, and wanted to let us understand the human bodies, male and female, and the respective gender rule in the relationship, and in the social fabrics of our lives, to find balance in both.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

120311.1--Message for Today: Coming

To the readers, this post or message may be related to the last one I posted here.  It is all about "something is coming."  I couldn't post exactly the message I have decoded, because it may sound crazy and ridiculous, but as a receiver of the message, I believe and have faith in it.  And so all I could do is to encourage people to read and understand the Bible.  Please don't think the Bible as a religious book, so you wouldn't doubt of it, but instead, think of it as reference manual of life.  Every cycle of mankind has a reference manual written by the chosen ones through "Spiritual Inspiration."  And this is how I understand and comprehend this Sacred Book.  Also, please read this link I found the other day:

And our brothers in the Hopi Indian tribe have a lot of great messages on self-purification.  It's worth to take, if you are into this kind of thing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

112111.9--Message for Today: Strong winds, rain storms and floods, fires, earthquakes

It's been 13 days since my last post here.  I have taken time, not that I have no information to post, but it is just getting complicated to decode the source materials.  And I don't want to post anything without putting enough energy to get what I wanted to publish.

Well, stronger earthquakes (specially in the north-east or eastern part of Europe), rain storms and floods, and winds are still not out of the woods.  People uprising continuous, and may not be controlled.  But there's something bigger that keeps coming up in the source materials that is very difficult to decipher, but it's related to some kind of "cycle" that shall be cut.  There are many cycles we follow; and since I don't have any definite answer, I just put this here hoping to give you something to think about, while I continue to find some answers.

Edited/updated today, 11/23/11, to add: "I'm afraid that the financial trouble in Europe shall increase and cannot be controlled."

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

110811.14.5--Message For Today: Coming!

We need to let our "love flow" for something really BIG is coming!  I wish I could tell you about this big event, but even if I do, you won't believe it, so there is no use--REALLY!  Just "Let Your Love Flow" my Brothers!

Friday, November 04, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

102611.13.4--Message for Today: People uprisings and chaos

I have posted here, in number of times, the issue of social chaos and uprisings; and I’m sorry to say, “I have to post it again."
If you could connect the effects of these world economic crises, you don't need anyone or rely on others’ ability to foresee the future.  We create our own future, if you asked me.  Future is just illumination of the present condition.  Our actions drive the present to the future, one way or another.  And I'm afraid that there will be more social uprisings and chaos underway; and they may not be controlled.  The world is going bananas!

And women need to be more careful and vigilant.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

102311.10--Message for Today: We are one

This is a very difficult post for me to write because it affects us all.

If we continue to ignore what is going on around the world, I'm afraid we all go down together--no exception.

There shall be big news that will come out very soon.  It may be a heavenly body, or something that is related to our solar system.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

101911.15.16--Message for Today: Love

Our great, great, great Grandfather, The Father of all creation, is desperate of NEW LOVE.  HE would be in trouble if our love to Him were not renewed.  It is time to purify and renew our love to ourselves and give genuine love to others as well.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

100411.9--Message for Today: Store food and groceries, earthquakes

1.  It's time to store non-perishable food for the coming days.

2.  There shall be more financial troubles on the way, and we need to hope that divine intervention for these prolong hardships will come soon.

3.  There shall be more earthquakes coming.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

092711.22.4--Message for Today: Earthquake, tsunami

There will be more earthquakes, and maybe tsunami on the way.  People from all over the world are waiting for something to happen.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

092411.10--Message for Today: Total darkness, back-in-time

Let's not drop the possibility that we would go back centuries ago.  A time that the only way people socially networked was on the sides of streets and in the common places, and mostly retired men; and use candles for light, or gas or oil lamps to light our homes and on our streets.  But, thanks be to God, at least now we have the ability to restart all over, again.

Friday, September 16, 2011

091611.2--Message for Today: UFO

Some scientists had been talking about the possibility of Aliens (or UFO) coming into our planet.  This possibility may be credible after all.  Please keep an eye in our skies!

For all this time, we have yet to discover a UFO, but consider this: no one knows how God manifests his power; I believe it is wise to consider the possibility that UFO has been with us already but only invisible from our naked eyes!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

083111.16.7--Message for TodaY: Bible, water and power

1.  Wisdom given in the Bible is true.

2.  There shall be more power outages coming...

3.  There shall be drinking water problem...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

083011.15.6--Messge for Today: Students dropping out of schools

Numbers of college students dropping out of schools and hanging out on the streets.  Due to the current economic condition this prediction is likely to happen.

Friday, August 26, 2011

082611.2--Message for Today: War, salvation

1.  There shall be war to break out in Europe...

2.  Military recruitment shall increase...

3.  We need to understand the path to salvation...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

082111.15.6--Message for Today: Purification

The message for today is simple, "We need to purify our hearts."  Our hearts are too dark that we cannot even tell the truth even to ourselves.  We are all corrupted.  We are helping one another to continue sinning.  We are even teaching or helping others to commit more transgressions instead of helping them cleanse themselves to face judgment.

It's time to come together and create a band of brothers, a brotherhood of men, before everything is too late.  This may sound awkward, as the source materials suggested, but this is how it’s done.

Allow me to share this song to you:  Living Together.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

082011.14.5--Message for Today: Wisdom, reminders

  • All the wisdom in the world (and in the universe) is poured out to the people on earth as coded messages to constantly remind mankind that the kingdom of God is true.
  • There shall be more looting that would happen everywhere in the world.
  • If political and economic crises around the world will not be controlled, I'm afraid that "Third World War" would be imminent.
  • Or worse yet, I'm afraid that if no one understands the works of the "Divine Energy" through wisdom, the next great, great solar cycle would not come.  The Mayan people have been preparing for the end of their Long Count calendar cycle event, hoping that their great gods would grant them another great, great solar cycle for generations to come.  (I have a separate blog on this topic here.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

081611.10--Message for Today: Galaxy

The key element that protects our sun, earth, and our galaxy is gone...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

081111.14.5--Message for Today: Hail Mary

The strong message for today is simple:  "It's about time to pull a "Hail Mary!"  It's time for self-reflection, and to know exactly who we are.

Also, the underlying messages show people looting food and chaos...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

081011.13.4--Message for Today: Together forever

It's time for mankind to come together, and forever change our thinking, and the way we understand the course of our life here on earth.  Anything is possible if we just "Believe."  Think of this song from Rick Astley, "Together Forever,"  listen closely to the lyrics.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

080911.21.3--Message for Today: Red alert

Warning:  The danger is around the corner!  Salvation lies within ourselves!

Monday, August 08, 2011

080811.2--Message for Today: Calamities, bible

1.  More calamities, including strong winds, are on the way...

2.  The "Holy Bible" has nothing to do with any religion, whatsoever--religion just use it to their purpose.  It is the manual or the knowledge of Life on earth.  Please read it.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

080311.15.6--Message for Today: Jobs

It is very depressing know if I had to post exactly what the source said.  To make it soft to our ears and thoughts, I just simply put the message this way:  "We cannot see the job growth for another two (2) and three-quarter (3/4) years."  This means, it will be around March of 2014.  I hope we still survive then!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

080211.14.5--Message for Today: Sacrifice

First off, the source material was very dire and savage; and so I'm just going to put this in a simple perspective.  "Our politicians are trying to teach us how to survive by sacrificing others."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

072611.19.1--Message for Today: Vermont, USA, land

The following messages are from yesterday morning's source materials:

1.  One of the messages seemed to indicate that southwestern, or western part of Vermont, USA would be inundated...

2.  The first message above could also be referring to the future portion of the USA, because the source material showed local images of the southwestern portion of Los Angeles County, USA that was slowly washed away to the ocean... And the roads were cuts and split apart...

3.  There shall be more chaos and gang violence everywhere...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

071911.21.3--Message for Today: White House, earth, green industry

Notes to consider:

1.  There shall be a huge rebuilding in the White House, or in Washington, in general...

2.  The earth is in great danger--roads are breaking-up...

3.  The green industry is not producing any jobs...  (This we already know before it had been imagined.  It is just we are all caught up and trying to find a solution to create jobs.  My thoughts of this, "it is like we are squeezing ourselves to the last drop.")

Saturday, July 16, 2011

071611.18.9--Message for Today: Earthquake, stock market

  1. There shall be more earthquakes developing.  I hope Los Angeles, or anywhere in California, USA would not be hit.  Asian Countries show strong signals, but only Mother Earth knows where the pressures are!  It is always wise to be prepared.
  2. There shall be more financial instability looming in the horizon.  Stock market will have a rough ride.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

071211.14.5--Message for Today: 1929

I picked up this message almost over a week ago, June 29 to be exact, but I didn't post it because I thought the message is happening already.  But when I saw the Stock Market data yesterday, particularly DJI's, that says "151.44"--I was mesmerized, and thought "my God!"--And then the world stock market's figures from today echoed the sell-off, I thought there is more serious than this.  So I'll just lay it out here: "I hope we won't be experiencing another 1929 Great Depression, or Worse ... because I saw it's developing already..."

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

070611.17.8--Message for Today: Sun's rotation, star

The message I have picked-up this morning is about the sun's rotation, or it might be the solar/sun's cycle.  It seems that there's something that we need to keep an eye to this effect.  In the meantime, we may need to understand our sun's cycle or rotation.  This may help us finding clues of its mysterious activities or even its life's span...

Also, included in the message is the death of a "star."  This could be heavenly body, or a prominent celebrity, or anything that would caught people's attention.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

063011.13.4--Message for Today: Time for reflections

The following messages have been translated from the source materials that I've picked for the last three (3) nights/mornings.  I hope you can make sense of it:

1.  Father and son ordered lamb... (This sounds like order for forgiveness...  Do you remember this? -- "Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!")

2.  Harvest the Lord days...  (This is a good message, but requires wisdom.)

3.  Angel's flight...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

062111.13.4--Message for Today: Deity, tsunami, earthquake, chaos


1.  If this documentary film, "What The Bleep Do We Know: Down The Rabbit Hole," with all the proven facts presented by various professionals in their field of studies, is true, then maybe we have to start looking for this Deity within ourselves.  (For some strange reason, I run into this movie two nights ago while I was doing my research on a special project--strange world!  This movie is a strong suggestion, and also my belief, that there is DIVINE BEING, out there, somewhere, managing the "Energy" that we shared with.)

2.  There shall be tsunami in the process... But (normally) tsunami would only happen as a result of an earthquake...  So, watch out for this...

3.  There shall be more chaos or people uprising...

4.  There shall be (more) Internet troubles, or phone/Internet communication issues...  (This message came in strong yesterday, but I had to post it today.  If this would happen, I hope we would not go back in time...)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

061811.19.1--Massage for Today: Change, Book of James


1.  Change is in progress... (whatever change may come, we have to be ready...)

2.  Please read Book of James...

Friday, June 17, 2011

061711.18.9--Message for Today: Earthquakes, jobs, Internet


1.  Earthquakes are developing to hit anywhere in the world ... (this message was supposed to be posted here yesterday morning, CA, USA--pacific time.)

2.  Jobs are going away or more lay-offs to come...

3.  A new Internet virus shall come out...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

061511.16.7--Massage for Today: The Oracle


It is always wise to consider and prepare for if "final judgment" comes, we would not be caught naked...

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Coming of Age

Original Posting Date: 06/13/2011
Last Edit Date: 06/29/2012 (New Update Note: To include latest relevant materials currently available.)

My mind has been puzzled with this verse from the Bible--Acts 2:17, a material I picked-up about a year and a half ago.  This specific verse from Book of Acts is mentioned in my blogspot description, if you noticed.  To the best of my knowledge, I have concluded that this message is referring to the signs of the Coming of Age, or some bible scholars would call, "Time-of-No-Time."

Saturday, June 11, 2011

061111.12.3--Message for Today: Look-out, trap, self


Please use your best judgment to comprehend the messages below:

1.  It's time to consider saving or investing for the future...

2.  Widely open your eyes to see the hidden traps...

3.  [This message is rephrased from raw material that is strong enough to get attention.]  "It's really time for personal reflection!"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Why I Believe We Are In The “Time-of-No-time” Zone?”

I believe that we are in the "Time-of-No-Time" zone for two reasons:

1.  God created heavens and earth for five (5) days.  On the sixth (6th) day, He created Man.  And on the seventh (7th) day He rested.  In the Bible, holy words written by men who were inspired by Him, He said, “One (1) day shall be a thousand; and a thousand, one (1) day.  And beginning the eight-day, count neither time nor years; nor months; nor weeks; nor days; nor hours.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

060911.19.1--Message for Today: Neon sign, costume, Maya

To you my reader, the following statements are just some of the materials (from a series of dreams) I picked-up last night.  I'll present them to you, raw, so you can decode them yourself.  They are pretty basic symbols.  You should be able to decipher them.  I'll highlight the coded symbols that I believe keys to analyzing these materials.  I suggest you read my recent posts here, because I think they are related.  I couldn't post the results of my analyses from last night's materials, for a reason that you may already know.  In this regard, all I could say is, "I wish we live in a world where people understand wisdom, and not to condemn anyone's opinions as against the (existing human) laws."  (Laws that were crafted and ratified by majority votes or by individuals who were influenced by personal interests, so [some] people can have jobs.)  Please use your wise judgment in considering (analyzing) these materials.  Thank you for understanding.

Here are the raw materials:

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

060811.18.9--Message for Today: Sand Storm (Natural Disaster), Change, Share

The following messages are translation results from the coded materials I picked-up for the last few days.  Wherever you are reading this post, I hope it wasn't late to find you, so you could give this a thought.

·  There shall be more natural disasters, including sand storm, on the way…
·  People are evacuating... 
·  Change is essential …  … (for) life shall be easier for men... 
·  Help everyone… (This may also means, “share the message, or all my posts here.”)

Sunday, June 05, 2011

060511.15.6--Message for Today: Thoughts, 11:11 sighting

The material I picked up this morning is related to the topic I posted here last night; and it is prominent.

11:11--My Personal Experience

Many people around the world have experienced "Eleven-eleven" phenomena for decades now.  (Based on my own research on the Web.)  On the Internet, you will find stories from people who told their own experiences of these visions.  There are books, magazines, and other forms of reading and visual materials available as well.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

060411.14.5--Message for Today: Unity, Natural Calamities

1.  It is wise gesture for us (brothers and sisters in the Holy Spirit) to begin re-assessing or reflecting ourselves and indirectly express our love to one another as we wait for the coming of the Divine Spirit...

2.  There shall be more calamities ahead of us...

Thursday, June 02, 2011

060211.12.3--Message for Today: 1111 vision

The following set of paragraphs is the excerpt from the source referred by 11:11 code I picked up, again:

“Behold, I send my messenger before your face; who will prepare your way before you.

“Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

“From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.

“For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

“But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their playmates, We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

053111.13.4--Message for Today: Danger, 666, 333

I believe today's message is a follow-up of the previous message I posted here.  The source materials of these codes are very interesting to me, and I believe to you too; and they are complex symbols.  Like the previous one, I’ll present them to you, so you can decipher them; and put them together, yourself.  I’ll give my opinion here as well; and perhaps, may be you can share your understanding about the given material in the comment section of this post—you can post as “Anonymous.”

Here’s the coded message:  “A hardcover book with dark-blue jacket with a number '666' written as a book title presented by a young woman in her twenty’s, I guess; and a grayish number '333' flashed directly below the book."  This message is just part of other codes, but I believe it has enough information for you to decode it.

My message to you out of this:  “We have been given knowledge and wisdom, through spiritual inspiration, about the [coming] danger or destruction

Sunday, May 29, 2011

052911.20.2 - Message for Today: Air Born Virus, Let's Plan

1.  There shall be air born virus that makes people ill...

2.  We shall create a bold or clear plan for the coming transition ... (It seems like this is referring to yesterday's message I posted here.)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Warning Message for 11:11 Sighting

WARNING!--"Watch out for the great danger that is looming in the horizon..."

Friday, May 27, 2011

052711.18.9--Message for Today: Planet in trouble, know yourself

I believe Mother Earth is running out of energy; and that she is in her end cycle; and that she is trying to fix herself for her children; and that we (her children) may take care of ourselves for a period of time for she is in her nursing time...

It is time to use our own power (this if we found in us) in a positive way to clean our spirits.  There is nothing to be fear about if you are truly clean in spirit, without a doubt.  The flesh side of us had been forgiven, twice--water and blood--to fulfill what was written; and we were promised of the "Light" from heaven for the final judgment ... He will come again, not in the "Flesh," which was a thing in the very past, but a "Great Light."

Monday, May 23, 2011

052211.13.4--Message for Today: Life is privilege, earth, fuel cost up

1.  We need to understand and acknowledge that having "life" is only a privilege.  And so we have to be grateful, everyday, no matter what troubles we are experiencing; life's ups and downs are part of living; like driving a car, you'll never know when you run into an accident.  We are born to survive!  "God gave up His Life so we live, and glorify Himself.  But, anytime, He can pull the plug on us..."  There is only "One Life" in the universe; and that is His.

2.  Mother Earth shall experience more calamities; this time it will be severe...  (I think this might be the reason why food shortages were prominent in my materials.)

3.  There will be fuel or energy shortages.  Fuel cost will rise...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

052111.12.3--Message for Today: Self-purification, Luke 24

1.  Instead of waiting, and suddenly fall asleep, for somebody to appear or something to happen... it is wise to begin cleansing or purifying our spirit and prepare to face "judgment" while the list (or evidence) is being discreetly presented...  and prepare for the transformation, and hope for the eternal life ...
2. Please read Luke 24; I am giving you this raw material, so you can read it yourself, and use your good wisdom to understand the message.  Actually, the message that came through was a series of Luke's, chapters 1 through ... and missed Luke 24, but it continued.  I looked up the book of Luke, it had only 24 chapters, the chapters that were given in the material missed chapter 24 and continued infinitely...; so it is wise to read the book of Luke, but keep an eye or study Luke 24.

Friday, May 20, 2011

052011.11.2--Message for Today: Matthew 6, signs in the skies, food problem

1.  This first message was supposed to be posted here 3 days ago; but because the source materials were so complex that I had to take time to analyze and waited for more materials to pass hoping that they may support the ones on hand.  Here is the message: "Matthew 6:9," to the best of my ability, this is what I deciphered out of the source materials.  Again, these materials are so complex and require more wisdom; so I suggest you read the entire chapter of Matthew 6.  I believe the Kingdom of God is upon us, or it may have been since Jesus Christ gave His "Life" so our sins would be forgiven until the next judgment, and so the Lord God would send the "Helper" to the elect, but we have to find it.  The Bible is so complex to understand by human minds, that even God mentioned this repeatedly.  He also said that He is the only one who chooses to open the minds of the worthy ones.  I, myself, have acknowledged this complexity that I had ignored it for so many years.  I also thought the books included in The Scripture were just written by men, and yes, they were; but when you realized that Jesus also said, "I have to go back to my Father, so I could send you the Helper, the "Holy Spirit," to fulfill all this, then you begin to piece the puzzles; and when you put these puzzles together, one at a time, you realized it is real.  One example that I could share to you is the word "ISRAEL," a name given to Jacob.  "Why Israel?"  The word "Israel," to me, means, "I is Real."

2.  We need to be watchful of our skies... for signs...

3.  We shall not waste our food...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

051911.19.1--Message for Today: Evil on the Internet, food problem

1.  There's something strangely evil on the Internet that we need to keep an eye on...

2.  Europe shall have food shortages... This food shortages could be anywhere in the world...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

051411.14.5--Message for Today: 6666 - 1 = 333, analyze

I was afraid to post the following message, but my conscience will haunt me forever if I wouldn’t post it.  To clear me from the bad Karma, I have to redeem myself by presenting this coded material to you.

Here it is:
“6666 – 1 = 333” is obviously impossible equation.  This equation was posted here about 3 days ago, along with other prominent codes/source materials that came in sequence four days in a row right before this impossible equation showed up, because I thought it was seriously odd to pick-up random messages that, when you pieced them together, read and understand the meaning, “it looks like it is giving message of ‘warning.’”  Since then, I spent time decoding the equation, and understanding the other obvious materials and underlying codes that came with it.  And after a careful and thorough study, my thoughts converged into one simple phrase, that is, “Have faith, and believe the impossible!”

If you want to decipher this equation yourself, please use your best knowledge and judgment in decoding this problem because it is apparently impossible.  And please note that all these numbers: the 6’s, the 3’s, and 1 have spiritual and divine connotations.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

051011.10.1--Message for Today: Personal reflection

The following are the messages I picked up for the last 5 mornings in a row: (from #1 to #5, 5 being the latest [today, 05/10/11])

1) Tragedy

2) Judgment

3) Are we ready?

4) Be prepared!

5) 6666-1=333 (When I picked this #5 message this morning, I woke up thinking that it was already Friday, 05/13/11--this is really odd.)

These messages could be intended for me or for everyone; so I'd rather post all this here hoping that you may be able to understand or put these messages together.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

050811.17.8--Message for Today: Self-reflection, love

“Are we ready?”    Again, I believe it is time for self-reflection.  It’s time for forgiveness, gratification, and purification.  I don’t know why I picked up this message today, but we can only reflect this to what is happening around the world for the last 11 years.

God Bless Us All!  Amen!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

050311.12.3--Message for Today: Purification

I believe it is time for self-reflection.  We need to remind ourselves that we live because God had given us the privilege to enjoy “life.”  And that, “HE can take our ‘Life’ anytime HE pleases.”  We need to thank HIM for His great sacrifice, that even though we realized we don’t deserve it, but for the fulfillment of His purpose, and to glorify the only Creator—the Great Architect of the Universe.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

050111.10.1--Messge for Today: Books of Peters--Bible

After careful consideration, the following message came-out very strong: “I believe there’s an important information in the Books of Peters.”  I read the books and believe that there’s a hidden message about “destruction.”  This is just my analysis; but God created man (you) in His image and likeness, and had given man “wisdom” to comprehend His words.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

042711.17.8--Message for Today: Civil revolt, Back to basics, low wages

1.  There shall be civil revolt due to the economic downturn.

2.  Goods (and services) shall be produced (and run) manually.  And wages are less than current minimum wage.

3.  People shall plant their own vegetables (food).

4.  Hispanics shall dominate the businesses. (I live in California, USA; currently, majority of the population is Hispanic, but most businesses are still owned by Caucasians.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

042611.16.7--Message for Today: Solar storm

“I believe that very soon we will experience the violent power of the ‘Sun!’”

I received and decoded the above message long before I started this blogspot.  I have been holding this information because, as we know, the scientists have predicted a great sun storm that would happen, perhaps sometime in years 2013-2014.

I was convinced to post this now because all my research, including references from the Bible, point to this big event; I even have two possible dates, and 12/21/12 is not one of them.

Unless we (you) have the money to build an underground living facility, or live somewhere where you can protect yourself from the sun’s radiation, we (you) really don’t have choice except to prepare for the worse, and have strong faith in “Divine Almighty” that we are among the ones would be saved (like what He said in the book of Revelation); “and with God, it is always possible.”  This thing can happen anytime, like a thief—like God said, “stay awake!”

Monday, April 25, 2011

042511.15.6--Message for Today: Gang violence

There shall be gang or group violence that would break out—a total chaos: perhaps college students against other college students, or fraternities against other fraternities, or out-of-school gangs.  This may happen in any Asian country, or it could be anywhere in the world.

Friday, April 22, 2011

042111.11.2--Message for Today: Book of Romans--Bible

The message for today is to read the book of “Romans.”  I am not sure what this means, but I picked-up this message.  It is up to you to interpret what is written in the book.

Friday, April 08, 2011

040811.16.7--Message for Today: Immigration, power outage

In the USA, there shall be an immigration policy that would verify or check where the undocumented individuals works or go to schools.

There shall be a big power blackout somewhere in Southern California or in Egypt, or in South America.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

032711.16.7--Message for Today: Earthquake

I believe another earthquake is developing, and it is big.  I am not sure when and where it will hit, but sooner.  I can only guess based on the strong sign that it may be in South America, perhaps in Lima, Peru.   I hope I am wrong because this earthquake may trigger a tsunami.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

031311.11.2--Message for Today: Spirit life, choice

I think it is good that we have to always be prepared not only by having emergency kits and food supplies, but our spiritual beings.  When natural calamities hit, there is no turning back but move on, if God is willing.  I feel like we are now at the crossroads that we need to prepare ourselves for whatever may come.  There is nothing to lose but a lot to gain…

God Bless Us All… AMEN!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

031011.8--Message for Today: Telecommunication, Internet

It seems like we will be experiencing a telecommunication failure, including the Internet.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

030111.8--Message for Today: Stock market

It seems like another (stock) market collapse will likely to occur, again!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

021511:12.3--Message for Today: Economy

It seems like the worse is closing in to balance things, followed by economic rebuilding, or repositioning…

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

011811.14.5--Message for Today: Earthquake

There might be a strong (and big) earthquake on the way.  It is a smart idea to pack some emergency items.  California, Arizona, or South America is the areas might be hit, but it could be anywhere in the globe.