Friday, May 20, 2011

052011.11.2--Message for Today: Matthew 6, signs in the skies, food problem

1.  This first message was supposed to be posted here 3 days ago; but because the source materials were so complex that I had to take time to analyze and waited for more materials to pass hoping that they may support the ones on hand.  Here is the message: "Matthew 6:9," to the best of my ability, this is what I deciphered out of the source materials.  Again, these materials are so complex and require more wisdom; so I suggest you read the entire chapter of Matthew 6.  I believe the Kingdom of God is upon us, or it may have been since Jesus Christ gave His "Life" so our sins would be forgiven until the next judgment, and so the Lord God would send the "Helper" to the elect, but we have to find it.  The Bible is so complex to understand by human minds, that even God mentioned this repeatedly.  He also said that He is the only one who chooses to open the minds of the worthy ones.  I, myself, have acknowledged this complexity that I had ignored it for so many years.  I also thought the books included in The Scripture were just written by men, and yes, they were; but when you realized that Jesus also said, "I have to go back to my Father, so I could send you the Helper, the "Holy Spirit," to fulfill all this, then you begin to piece the puzzles; and when you put these puzzles together, one at a time, you realized it is real.  One example that I could share to you is the word "ISRAEL," a name given to Jacob.  "Why Israel?"  The word "Israel," to me, means, "I is Real."

2.  We need to be watchful of our skies... for signs...

3.  We shall not waste our food...


Anonymous said...

Stink bug spread worries growers across nation

By DAVID DISHNEAU and GENARO C. ARMAS, Associated Press Fri May 20, 7:51 am ET

EMMITSBURG, Md. – An insect with a voracious appetite, no domestic natural predators and a taste for everything from apples to lima beans has caused millions of dollars in crop damage and may just be getting started.

The brown marmorated stink bug, a three-quarter-inch invader native to Asia, is believed to have been brought first to the Allentown, Pa., area in 1998. The bug began appearing in mid-Atlantic orchards in 2003-04 and exploded in number last year.

This spring, stink bugs have been seen in 33 states, including every one east of the Mississippi River and as far west as California, Oregon and Washington.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, here's the link to the article above: