Sunday, May 29, 2011

052911.20.2 - Message for Today: Air Born Virus, Let's Plan

1.  There shall be air born virus that makes people ill...

2.  We shall create a bold or clear plan for the coming transition ... (It seems like this is referring to yesterday's message I posted here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Europe E.coli is toxic new strain, trade row grows

By Kate Kelland Thu Jun 2, 4:18 pm ET

LONDON (Reuters) – A highly infectious new strain of E.coli bacteria is causing a deadly outbreak of food poisoning in Germany, scientists said on Thursday, with cases in Europe and the United States raising the alarm worldwide.

Experts in China, part of a global network of laboratories racing to understand the sickness which killed a 17th victim overnight, said they had found the bug carried genes that made it resistant to several classes of antibiotics.

The United Nations said the strain had not infected people before but some consumers, especially in Germany, said they were nervous about eating raw vegetables.