Friday, October 26, 2012

Wisdom Blog Series 7: War and Peace

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Seven: WAR AND PEACE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

War and military defense are the only apparently realistic paths available to a nation whose basic values are pride and possessions. Micro pride is based on being better than others. From a micro view it is not only foolish, but cowardly not to fight in defense of your pride or your possessions, whether as an individual or as a nation. In fact, Jon, since micro man covets the possessions of others and is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and fight to get them, he must live in constant fear of others, for he believes that they will treat him as he wants to treat (or treated) them.

True peace can never be obtained as long as a person, or a nation, has possessions that must be protected, for peace is first a mental attitude of love and openness—never the fearful distrust created by ownership.

At one time America prided itself on being a Christian nation. But the founder of that religion insisted that loving one another was the most important of all actions, and that to truly love one another it was necessary to give up all possessions.

Obviously from a micro view it is impossible to understand that only when we give up everything can we gain everything—that only when we cling to possessions can we lose them—that only when we resist what is can we feel fear, hate, or pain.

It’s only when we forget these lessons that war is possible.

America was born out of a revolutionary war and it died in a revolutionary war. Your nation destroyed itself through pride thinking that you were better than others. You did this under the guise of freedom and democracy. You supported dictatorial governments all over the world as long as they supported capitalism and denied communal ownership of property.

In the name of freedom and democracy you refused to permit free elections in Vietnam because, as your President said, they would have voted communist. To prevent this you killed and wounded millions, the majority of which were civilians, women, and children, and your poisons contaminated untold square miles of previously farmable land.

On a planet where nearly all children were denied adequate love and intellectual growth, and half went to bed hungry every night due to the selfishness of the rich—could there really be any hope for peace? No, Jon, not as long as you each had possessions, which you would not share.

There were few among your leaders who realized the long-range consequences of your Vietnam War. For as your nation ravaged the land and the people of Vietnam so would your own land be ravaged and your own people killed and wounded by the tens of millions.

Knowledge of the micro law of karma is not necessary to experience its results!

Your nation destroyed itself by refusing to acknowledge its failures.

Before the 20th century ended your nation had reaped the grim consequences of its savage treatment of others, including, among others, your own American Indians.
Fear, hate, and war exist wherever the society is based on a micro view. From the micro view the measure of one’s value and worth is his possessions — the greatest of which is pride.

To micro man the most important word has always been “my.” My honor, my beauty, my body, my spouse, my children, my knowledge, my home, my flag, my country, my religion, etc.

As long as people took pride in these possessions and feared losing them, there could be no lasting peace.

As long as people were willing to fight to protect any of these possessions they could have no lasting peace.

As long as people thought of themselves as Christians, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Muslims, or any other religion there could be no lasting peace.

As long as people thought of themselves as American, German, French, Russian, or any other nationality, there could be no lasting peace.

As long as people thought of skin color as important there could be no lasting peace.

As long as people were willing to fight for peace there could be no lasting peace.

We of the Macro society have attained peace, prosperity, and happiness by giving up all possessions. Thus, we have nothing to fight for. We have no parents, no children, no nation, no flag, no money, no army, no police—to name a few of the possessions we have given up.

Since we have no possessions (including pride) we have no fear, no guilt, no hate, no disease, no hunger, no enemies, no loneliness, no despair.

What do we have?

We have harmony, joy, and the eternal adventure of our evolution as individuals and as a group. These are the fruits of Macro awareness!

As long as people took pride in these possessions and feared losing them, there could be no lasting peace.

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