Friday, October 26, 2012

Wisdom Blog Series 6: Crime and Punishment

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Six: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

“All Punishment returns to the person or society that punishes.”

In America of the nineteen seventies, the largest number of crimes were either drug addiction or caused by drug addiction. Some of your drug experts claimed that drug addiction was a fatal disease and that no one who contracted it could ever be cured. Even your most optimistic drug experts claimed no more than a 5% cure rate. In spite of their full knowledge of these facts your lawmakers and law enforcers devoted their major efforts to keeping drugs away from addicts. This forced addicts to steal, kill, and sell their lives for drugs. Such drug laws also provided the major support for your organized crime syndicates such as the Mafia.

Since at least 90% of the total life energy of micro man is devoted to escape and denial of unpleasant reality, all micro laws against escape are futile. Every one, who has forgotten that larger life views exist, wants to escape the consequences of a limited micro view. Since most micro laws are directed against micro escape activities (murder, robbery, drugs, sex, gambling, etc.), micro societies have always had plenty of law breakers no matter what punishments were inflicted upon offenders.

The inexorable micro law of karma provides that as you treat others so you will be treated. Thus, all punishment always returns to the person or society that punishes. Obviously your fellow Americans were not aware of this when they overwhelmingly voted for the continuance of capital punishment or when they permitted the incredibly destructive conditions in your jails and prisons.

If you jailed all the lawbreakers in any micro society, there would be no one outside of the jails! However, micro societies rarely catch and punish the rich and powerful. Only the poor and politically weak are regularly caught and punished.

While micro laws and micro punishments can never provide true justice, karmic law and karmic punishments are always perfectly just. Thus, every micro person must sooner or later experience the perfect consequences of his every thought, word, and deed.

As you know, in the Macro society we have no laws. We, thus, have no lawbreakers or punishments. However, no one lives in the Macro society who does not accept Macro philosophy and its applications. Since the Macro society provides no possessions, no power, and no supports to micro pride, it is unbearable for any micro individual to remain very long in the Macro society.

In the 1970’s when the Macro society began, there were still many angry selfish people. We did not reward micro behavior by condemning it, resisting it, or punishing it. By this I do not mean that we ignored or denied it. On the contrary, we helped micro people become more aware of their micro behavior by discussing various behavior patterns and their probable results in a non-judgmental, non-condemning, non-angry manner. We did not try to change through persuasion or coercion, but rather hoped to demonstrate the benefits of a Macro view of life by living our own daily lives with a Macro perspective.

In other words, we knew that others, like children, learn more from our actions than from our words. We knew that when we condemn others we are teaching self hate. This produces the fruits of self-hate—violence, conflict, fear, and war.

We knew that micro man would have conflict and war as long as he was willing to fight for peace. From the larger view, Jon, one’s crimes are always against one’s self and punishments are always self-inflicted. This can only be understood from a Macro perspective. Only by living this larger perspective in a Macro oriented society will you ever free yourselves of crime and punishment.

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