Everyday, and for the last couple of weeks, I have been receiving materials that seem to tell something that is hard to disclose here due to its strong message. But this one, I picked up last night, is soft and common to most people, especially people who are in their advance age already. It is a song that carries a strong message of LOVE. A song that was used as a soundtrack for the famous 1968 movie "Romeo and Juliet," adapted from the Shakespeare’s play of the same title. I would not detail the plot of the story, but I believe you probably knew it.
This blogspot is inspired by the following verses from “The Holy Scriptures:” Genesis 1:27; Acts 2:17; Psalm 6; and Jude 1:23. The purpose of this blogspot is (I hope) to save lives, one post at a time. I wasn't motivated to give birth to this blogspot until a message appeared in my dream. Days after this vision, tragic and catastrophic events have been unfolding around the world. Here I am, waiting for codes to come… be sorted and decoded… then posted on this Web page. Waiting...
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
103112.10.1—Message for Today: A Time For Us; Love, Unity and Harmony
Everyday, and for the last couple of weeks, I have been receiving materials that seem to tell something that is hard to disclose here due to its strong message. But this one, I picked up last night, is soft and common to most people, especially people who are in their advance age already. It is a song that carries a strong message of LOVE. A song that was used as a soundtrack for the famous 1968 movie "Romeo and Juliet," adapted from the Shakespeare’s play of the same title. I would not detail the plot of the story, but I believe you probably knew it.
A Time For us,
Love and Unity,
Romeo and Juliet
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Wisdom Blog Final Series 12: Life and Death
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Twelve: LIFE AND DEATH: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
thousands of years the words life and death have meant the beginning and the
ending of everything. Of course, from a micro view the only life is that of the
physical body and when that dies all is ended—forever.
wise ones throughout all ages have known that the physical body is merely a
very temporary vehicle enabling the soul to experience the micro end of the m-M
(micro-Macro) continuum of growth/evolution. Certainly most of a soul’s
devolution and evolution process is spent in non-physical forms, which change,
but they do not experience the unique limitations of physical existence.
Wisdom Blog Series 11: Good and Evil
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Eleven: GOOD AND EVIL: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
historical problem of good and evil only exists from a micro view in which
things can be seen as separate. From the larger view one can see that, like all
micro polarities, good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Let’s take a
look at the seemingly opposite processes of creation and destruction—(actually,
of course, they are one).
you choose to create a new house you must first destroy trees and other things
to create building materials in order to shape from them one interdependent
whole called a house. To create anything you must first destroy something. So
destruction is creation and creation is destruction.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wisdom Blog Series 10: Sex and Marrriage
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Ten: SEX AND MARRIAGE: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
Micro man looks only at acts and calls them good or bad.
a larger view one can see that it is never the act, but the motivation—the
purpose behind the act—that determines the consequences for the person performing
the act.
various actions associated with human sexuality have always been a major
stumbling block for micro man. Adultery, prostitution, divorce, contraception,
and abortion have been condemned as evil sins by micro man.
Kundalini Fire,
Sex and Marriage
Wisdom Blog Series 9: Law and Injustice
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Nine: LAW AND INJUSTICE: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
a micro view, injustice is anything that is unfair or undeserved.
a Macro view nothing is unfair or undeserved since every soul has free will and
can experience only that which it has chosen for its own growth/evolution.
are necessary to protect people who are divided by possessions. So as long as
man uses a micro view, people must remain divided.
Wisdom Blog Series 8: Religion and God
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Eight: RELIGION AND GOD: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
Man’s desire for spiritual oneness was thwarted by his
desire for possessions. The resulting frustration produced a desire to escape
this dilemma by pretending he could have both. Thus, micro religion was born
and functioned as a powerful divisive influence throughout your recorded
Wisdom Blog Series 7: War and Peace
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Seven: WAR AND PEACE: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
and military defense are the only apparently realistic paths available to a
nation whose basic values are pride and possessions. Micro pride is based on
being better than others. From a micro view it is not only foolish, but
cowardly not to fight in defense of your pride or your possessions, whether as
an individual or as a nation. In fact, Jon, since micro man covets the
possessions of others and is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and fight to get
them, he must live in constant fear of others, for he believes that they will
treat him as he wants to treat (or treated) them.
Wisdom Blog Series 6: Crime and Punishment
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Six: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
Punishment returns to the person or society that punishes.”
America of the nineteen seventies, the largest number of crimes were either
drug addiction or caused by drug addiction. Some of your drug experts claimed
that drug addiction was a fatal disease and that no one who contracted it could
ever be cured. Even your most optimistic drug experts claimed no more than a 5%
cure rate. In spite of their full knowledge of these facts your lawmakers and
law enforcers devoted their major efforts to keeping drugs away from addicts.
This forced addicts to steal, kill, and sell their lives for drugs. Such drug
laws also provided the major support for your organized crime syndicates such
as the Mafia.
Wisdom Blog Series 5: Wisdom and Folly
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Five: WISDOM AND FOLLY: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
wise person knows that the wise exist only as long as there are fools.”
wise person condemns no one—not the thief who robs nor the killer who murders.
For the Wise know that micro man is governed by the micro law of karma which
dictates that one can never receive anything except what he has given out. From
the Macro View the wise can see that every action is perfect for the growth of
every soul and that successes come only through effective use of failure.
Wisdom Blog Series 4: Freedom and Bondage
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Four: FREEDOM AND BONDAGE: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
are many kinds of freedom, Jon, and many kinds of bondage. We can be in bondage
by physical imprisonment if we define the physical body as our “self”. We can
be the prisoner of a social relationship or a business relationship if we want
to be more than we want not to be. We can be the prisoner of our own micro
self. We can be in willing bondage—addicted to—any number of things including
our material possessions.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wisdom Blog Series 3: Government and Politics
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Three: GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
You ask how history in the year 2150 AD views your
government and its political leaders of the 1960’s and 70’s. Looking back on
that final period in your nation’s history it is clear that this was the time
in which your people had their last opportunity to make the choices that would
either save your nation or destroy it. Since the unconscious philosophy of
America was a selfish, micro one, your people could not see the long-term
consequences of lying, cheating, hating, ignoring, denying, polluting, and killing.
Government and Politics,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wisdom Blog Series 2: Love and Hate
from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:
Chapter Two: LOVE AND HATE: Booklet “The Prophetess,
Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976
and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),”
Published 1976] [EXERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by
Thea Alexander]
Wisdom Blog Series 1: Fast and Future
call me a prophetess, Jon, and marvel that I remember a past and a future,
which you have forgotten.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
2012 Galactic Alignment, Soul Harvest
has a price, including life; we were bought for a price, thus, each of us has a spiritual obligation or calling to
fulfill. Many people believe they exist in this planet for a reason, which I also believe. And this might be my calling, “Share the Knowledge.”
Open the
eyes of your mind and pay close attention, because if God's will, "We
are the next generations!"
have holes, and birds in the air have nests, but the Son of Man has
nowhere to lay his head."
are all children of Light..."
"Am I
Friend, meet yourself...
2012 galactic alignment,
aquarian age,
piscean age,
soul harvest
Thursday, October 18, 2012
101812.15.6--Message for today: Environment, economics, political future
The materials I have been receiving are becoming more complex, and I believe this is because these materials are also related to the present (world) condition: politics, economics, and environment or nature. And so I am only choosing the materials that I post here based on how strong the message is.
international relations,
pole shift,
Monday, October 08, 2012
100812.14.5--Message for Today: Sun's fate
We may have to keep an eye on the sun's activities...
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