Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Phenomena, "Is it over yet?"

2012 Phenomena, “Is it over yet?”

The 2012 phenomena have come and gone, and the Sun smiles at His children, because, as ever, they are all blinded by the Truth.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Life Is A Gamble!

How befitting it is that the Roman soldiers cast lots to receive Jesus Christ’s robe?  Christ’s ’garment’ symbolizes the “Flesh of Life”—the Physical Body of Man.

“LIFE IS A GAMBLE!” If you don’t believe it, you are just fooling yourself!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Man Does Not Know His Nature...

Unless we (mankind) learn how to “Live Among Equals” or “Live Using Free Will with full understanding and proper application of the Manual of Life,” NOTHING will change in our way of life, and we continue to destroy our own species/existence, and the world; God knows it, as it was written, “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”—John 3:17

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 - Beginning Of Full Soul Harvest

The last day of the Piscean Age, transitioning to the New Age, 12/21/2012, according to Maya Long-Count Calendar system, is dawning on us. We can all hope for the best! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

411.3: More earthquakes on the way...

Who wants to experience natural disasters; like earthquakes and storms, but that is not our will, and no one can prevent Mother Nature, as she also navigate herself to survive in the solar system, but we can understand and learn from her, and to prepare ourselves--our 'souls,' particularly.  (Personally, I believe, we have been given knowledge to know how to understand our Mother Earth, but we have been entertained with junk knowledge and stuff for profit and control, and ignore the important ones, the ancient science, that concern our existence. And that is only my opinion. God has given you brain/mind to open up and form your own opinion.)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

103112.10.1—Message for Today: A Time For Us; Love, Unity and Harmony

Everyday, and for the last couple of weeks, I have been receiving materials that seem to tell something that is hard to disclose here due to its strong message.  But this one, I picked up last night, is soft and common to most people, especially people who are in their advance age already.  It is a song that carries a strong message of LOVE.  A song that was used as a soundtrack for the famous 1968 movie "Romeo and Juliet," adapted from the Shakespeare’s play of the same title.  I would not detail the plot of the story, but I believe you probably knew it.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wisdom Blog Final Series 12: Life and Death

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Twelve: LIFE AND DEATH: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

For thousands of years the words life and death have meant the beginning and the ending of everything. Of course, from a micro view the only life is that of the physical body and when that dies all is ended—forever.

However, wise ones throughout all ages have known that the physical body is merely a very temporary vehicle enabling the soul to experience the micro end of the m-M (micro-Macro) continuum of growth/evolution. Certainly most of a soul’s devolution and evolution process is spent in non-physical forms, which change, but they do not experience the unique limitations of physical existence.

Wisdom Blog Series 11: Good and Evil

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Eleven: GOOD AND EVIL: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

The historical problem of good and evil only exists from a micro view in which things can be seen as separate. From the larger view one can see that, like all micro polarities, good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Let’s take a look at the seemingly opposite processes of creation and destruction—(actually, of course, they are one).

If you choose to create a new house you must first destroy trees and other things to create building materials in order to shape from them one interdependent whole called a house. To create anything you must first destroy something. So destruction is creation and creation is destruction.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wisdom Blog Series 10: Sex and Marrriage

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Ten: SEX AND MARRIAGE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

Micro man looks only at acts and calls them good or bad.

From a larger view one can see that it is never the act, but the motivation—the purpose behind the act—that determines the consequences for the person performing the act.

The various actions associated with human sexuality have always been a major stumbling block for micro man. Adultery, prostitution, divorce, contraception, and abortion have been condemned as evil sins by micro man.

Wisdom Blog Series 9: Law and Injustice

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Nine: LAW AND INJUSTICE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

From a micro view, injustice is anything that is unfair or undeserved.

From a Macro view nothing is unfair or undeserved since every soul has free will and can experience only that which it has chosen for its own growth/evolution.

Laws are necessary to protect people who are divided by possessions. So as long as man uses a micro view, people must remain divided.

Wisdom Blog Series 8: Religion and God

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Eight: RELIGION AND GOD: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

Man’s desire for spiritual oneness was thwarted by his desire for possessions. The resulting frustration produced a desire to escape this dilemma by pretending he could have both. Thus, micro religion was born and functioned as a powerful divisive influence throughout your recorded history.

Wisdom Blog Series 7: War and Peace

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Seven: WAR AND PEACE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

War and military defense are the only apparently realistic paths available to a nation whose basic values are pride and possessions. Micro pride is based on being better than others. From a micro view it is not only foolish, but cowardly not to fight in defense of your pride or your possessions, whether as an individual or as a nation. In fact, Jon, since micro man covets the possessions of others and is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and fight to get them, he must live in constant fear of others, for he believes that they will treat him as he wants to treat (or treated) them.

Wisdom Blog Series 6: Crime and Punishment

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Six: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

“All Punishment returns to the person or society that punishes.”

In America of the nineteen seventies, the largest number of crimes were either drug addiction or caused by drug addiction. Some of your drug experts claimed that drug addiction was a fatal disease and that no one who contracted it could ever be cured. Even your most optimistic drug experts claimed no more than a 5% cure rate. In spite of their full knowledge of these facts your lawmakers and law enforcers devoted their major efforts to keeping drugs away from addicts. This forced addicts to steal, kill, and sell their lives for drugs. Such drug laws also provided the major support for your organized crime syndicates such as the Mafia.

Wisdom Blog Series 5: Wisdom and Folly

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Five: WISDOM AND FOLLY: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

“A wise person knows that the wise exist only as long as there are fools.”

The wise person condemns no one—not the thief who robs nor the killer who murders. For the Wise know that micro man is governed by the micro law of karma which dictates that one can never receive anything except what he has given out. From the Macro View the wise can see that every action is perfect for the growth of every soul and that successes come only through effective use of failure.

Wisdom Blog Series 4: Freedom and Bondage

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Four: FREEDOM AND BONDAGE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXCERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

There are many kinds of freedom, Jon, and many kinds of bondage. We can be in bondage by physical imprisonment if we define the physical body as our “self”. We can be the prisoner of a social relationship or a business relationship if we want to be more than we want not to be. We can be the prisoner of our own micro self. We can be in willing bondage—addicted to—any number of things including our material possessions.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wisdom Blog Series 3: Government and Politics

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Three: GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

You ask how history in the year 2150 AD views your government and its political leaders of the 1960’s and 70’s. Looking back on that final period in your nation’s history it is clear that this was the time in which your people had their last opportunity to make the choices that would either save your nation or destroy it. Since the unconscious philosophy of America was a selfish, micro one, your people could not see the long-term consequences of lying, cheating, hating, ignoring, denying, polluting, and killing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wisdom Blog Series 2: Love and Hate

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter Two: LOVE AND HATE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

Wisdom Blog Series 1: Fast and Future

[Wisdom from Channeler Rana of Year 2150 AD:  Chapter One: PAST AND FUTURE: Booklet “The Prophetess, Conversations With Rana (and Jon Lake, Ph.D. Student, who went to sleep in 1976 and awoke 174 years into the future in a culture known as the Macro Society),” Published 1976] [EXERPT from a larger collection of conversations compiled by Thea Alexander]

You call me a prophetess, Jon, and marvel that I remember a past and a future, which you have forgotten.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

2012 Galactic Alignment, Soul Harvest

Everything has a price, including life; we were bought for a price, thus, each of us has a spiritual obligation or calling to fulfill. Many people believe they exist in this planet for a reason, which I also believe. And this might be my calling, “Share the Knowledge.”

Open the eyes of your mind and pay close attention, because if God's will, "We are the next generations!"

"Foxes have holes, and birds in the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."

"You are all children of Light..."

"Am I me?"                      Friend, meet yourself...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

101812.15.6--Message for today: Environment, economics, political future

The materials I have been receiving are becoming more complex, and I believe this is because these materials are also related to the present (world) condition: politics, economics, and environment or nature.  And so I am only choosing the materials that I post here based on how strong the message is.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

092112.17.8--Message for Today: Power outages, deaths

It is always a good idea to store candles, or have flashlights, or portable (oil or kerosene) lamps for emergency purposes.  We may see more news of deaths on leading news media.

Monday, September 03, 2012

090212.16.7--Message for Today: Tuning our inner selves

I picked up a material last night that is very hard to put into words that I believe has something to do with our inner selves.  It is difficult that I myself still digesting it.  But something strange happened to me today that led or guided me to present the material in the following thought:

Our life requires tuning as well; especially in the midst of these world crises we are facing these days.  And this can only be accomplished through listening a beautiful sound of music.  Sound has an important part of our existence.  By a chance, I came across a recorded concert of Andrea Bocelli in Tuscany, Italy.  I thought it was a perfect material to fine-tune our inner selves.  I don’t really understand what the principal artist is signing and saying, but the important is the sound of music.  Trust me, our souls (life) require this; and of course, i am not going to convince you to believe me, but to have an open mind; and also, if you can spare time to view this series of YouTube videos, you may be able to understand why and how we, as human beings, are very much affected with the earth's vibration.  

Enjoy the concert!

Oh!  Also, here are some excellent music that tune up our inner selves:

Monday, August 20, 2012

411.2: General Information

The materials I have been picking up recently are beginning to become more concise and complex to analyze, but when they are unfolded (later), they become clear.  As a note, so that you will not get confuse and eventually doubt, it is important for you to know that the materials I am receiving also include personal stuff, because I am not concentrating merely on this work/post/project; I am human, and I need to fill my responsibilities in life as well.  In other words, it is hard to separate (dream) messages intended for personal interpretation from universal or public purpose.  (But we all have this ability in us; having said that, you can do this thing as well; it’s just the way we live, by force, that makes us lazy or feel no time to spend for this kind of thing, thus, we always in danger or some sort of trouble, personally, with others, and, collectively, in our world.  I don’t want you to believe me, just find this knowledge from the bible.)  For this reason, I’ll do the best of my knowledge to post in this blog anything what I feel and think relevant.  Please bear with me.  And thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

080512.18.9--Message for Today: Islands In The Stream

First off, I want to give you a bit of science (knowledge) on how the great ancient minds (mystics and philosophers) understood the spirit world; like for instance, Hermes Trismegistus, he said, “That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one.”  This quote became short as this, “As Above; and so Below.”  To put it in a clear philosophical perspective, “Everything that is created is supported by spirit; nothing that exists in the universe that is not backed by spirit.” Ernest Holmes said, “Behind everything material, stands the spiritual, supporting it, and without which there could be no material.”  And this is how you understand the spirit world, that, everything, including a song, doesn't exist without first laid out in the spirit world.  (If you get a little confuse, please check this video with an open mind: "What Is Space?" And stay watching all the way to the end, so you'll grasp a bit about the invisible world.)  Anything we will have created is not manifested without the support, or knowledge, or, shall I say, approval from the spirit world, because the first law of the Universe is “Order.”  Also, if you have in-dept knowledge of “Crop Circles” you would understand the works of spirit world.  [Though I also believe that there are crop circles made by humans, but according to Pane Andov, the renowned "Astral Walker," man-made crop circles can be distinguished from the real one.  In our confused world today, it is hard to tell the real knowledge from the fabricated one, so it is important to have an open mind to form your own opinion; and to help you on the process, here are some materials to consider: Crop Circle & Remote Viewing: Part I, II, III. IV, & V]

Saturday, August 04, 2012

My Final Analysis on 11,11 Phenomenon

Last month, I was shown with this 11,11 symbol several times, and I have not even thought of it, and I didn’t plant this symbol in my consciousness or subconscious mind.  But yesterday (August 2), very late at night, after months of avoiding, I broke a word to myself 'not to eat red meat' and ended up in McDonald joint by my house to get a McDouble.  I ate and finished the small burger and a cup of soda inside the restaurant and went home.  As my usual habit, I emptied my pockets and put everything what I had in my pockets into a small basket (a sort of a 'habit') and reviewed whatever purchase receipt I had that day.  When I looked at the time-stamped on the receipt from McDonald restaurant, it showed 23:11, this is equivalent to 11:11 PM.  This experienced had given me a strong suggestion (sign, or to convince me) to share you a piece of knowledge, which I have been keeping to myself since I have figured out the 11:11 phenomenon, for your own understanding and opinion.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

072712.21.3--Message for Today: Galactic Object

We have to keep an eye on the object coming towards earth.  I know that NASA is monitoring the sky and outer space for the rogue asteroids, but God forbid, I hope this is not what people think it would be.  I am one of those skeptics, but word (or words) is powerful that I believe it has its own will to make things manifest into physical plane in due time.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 06, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov


Monday, June 18, 2012

061820.2--Message for Today: LOVE

The message for today is "I Wish Love is in the minds of Men in the World."

I believe it’s time to show GENUINE LOVE to all.  We are one with the All, and all with the ONE.  We came from ONE, and shall return to the DIVINE ONE.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Futuristic Computer Program Arrives Ahead of Computer

Futuristic Computer Program Arrives Ahead of Computer
By Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer | – Sat, Jun 9, 2012

Quantum computers don't exist yet, but physicists already have a software program ready for them to use.

A group of scientists has designed an algorithm that they say could run on any future quantum computer to simulate all the possible interactions between two colliding particles. The program could be used to model how the universe evolved after the Big Bang, when conditions cooled enough for the formation of subatomic particlescalled quarks, which then collided with each other to form protons and neutrons. Eventually, the first atoms were born.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

060712.18.9--Message For Today: The Age of Pisces (The Piscean Age)

“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” -- Romans 13:11 ESV

The passage above is one of the passages printed on the picture below.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

060212.13.4 - Blog Updates Info / Age Of Aquarius

To the Readers:

Please do not wonder why there is no new updates in this blogspot.  I have plenty of new materials, but they are very complicated to disclose.  And not only that, my kind of blogs are very critical and cannot be posted just easily.  The social media, as you know, is under microscope for national security reason, thus, many words or word terms that we normally use are being monitored or filtered and use as security keywords for our safety.  It's good that our government has done this, but it's also giving up some of our social freedom, and not being able to share our personal opinions; and here in my blog, may be valuable information.  So please understand if it takes a bit longer for me to post new updates/blogs here.  And as I mentioned above, the materials I picked up these days are more complex to analyze, that sometimes, I feel more convinced that there may be something great thing to happen.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

051212.13.4--Message for Today: Purpose Of Life

The quote on the image above was a raw material.  I receive it few days ago, but I took time to post it here due to the very nature of the message.  I spent time to analyze it and I came up with the following knowledge:

“Man is the highest visible expression of the Spirit. Without man, there’s no earth, there’s no solar system, and there’s no universe.” Man is the reason for the universe to exist. Destroy men, and the universe is tomb. Robert Browning said, “Take away love and our earth is a tomb.” And only a Spirit can express love without boundaries. Ernest Holmes said, “The Universe is a Spiritual System impregnated with Divine Ideas and peopled with Spiritual Forms.” And Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to understand universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” And the Bible says, “God is Spirit (John 4:24) … and “But we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).” Therefore, understand universe, understand nature, understand man, and above all know yourself.”

Sunday, April 22, 2012

042212.13.4--Message for Today: Small businesses hurting

There shall be more small businesses experiencing very tough times, even to no customers or business at all.  More payroll are behind.  And we are urge not to lose hope, and pray that the rich and wealthy people would circulate or invest their money, as more and more people are on the streets.

And what a strange thing was, I picked up this message, "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now," three (3) times.  This is the title of the song from the music band "STARSHIP." The song received hit #1 in Billboard Hot 100 on April 4, 1987 (04-04-1987 = 0 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6.  This number 33 and 6 have very powerful meanings.)  In the spirit world, music or sound has a strong significance, as universe is built with vibration.  According to Nikola Tesla, "To understand the universe, We have to understand frequency, energy, and vibration."

Here's the Wikipedia note:'s_Gonna_Stop_Us_Now

Here's the lyrics in YouTube video:

Sunday, April 08, 2012

040812.17.8--Message for Today: Purification

This is the message I received:  "We need to understand the Indian Cultures."

I said "Cultures," because both the native American Indian and the Indian cultures outside North America are given in the message.  This message is for peace, and soul purification (I believe).

And this photo below would be appropriate to share.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thursday, March 08, 2012

030812.7--Message for Today: Power outages

There shall be massive power outages.  I think it's a good idea to store candles in case power black-outs arise.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

021812.16.7—Message for Today: Watch for objects falling from the skies

One of the real threats we are noticing today is the nuclear armament that when cool heads don’t prevail, our world shall be heading into a great peril.  Having said this, I saw a vision of objects falling from our skies directly toward our waters—oceans.  This material suggests number of things to happen--could mean several events.  The only thing that bothers me is that, the visions included fighter planes in a war formation flying toward west from the east.  There are military ground forces as well wearing strange army uniforms, and their faces are pale white, and all of them wearing eyeglasses.  They are securing and protecting people’s houses.  This was the clear vision.
On the other hand, this material could suggest financial trouble on the way; more lives at risk; something could disrupt the Internet; or marine life could be in trouble.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

411.1: Notes on Blog Updates

To the readers:

I feel indebted to you for not giving you updates on the materials I have received.  Most of the materials I picked-up recently are about natural calamities, and mostly earthquakes.  I also picked-up some materials relevant to the economic conditions, and the realities are reflected in Wall Street, the leading indicator of where our (world) economy is heading—I have been picking up this kind of material, but I don’t want my blogs to become a gambling or betting source for Wall Street investors but to save lives.

There are more interesting materials I have received lately but they are hard to decipher, because they have to be given a great deal of objective and real approach, combine with comprehension of the actual events, so we can get a glimpse of this future.

But I would like to thank you for reading my blogs, and hope you can share this Web site to others.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

011812.6--Message for Today: Earthquakes, financial crisis

There will be more earthquakes on the way or, perhaps, financial disaster, big time.  Regardless, this would hit anywhere in the world.  I picked up USA, but it is not very strong, so we'll just have to be aware of this.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

011512.3--Message for Today: Change and rebuilding

This is what I have picked up: "there's a hope of change and rebuilding, but slow."

Friday, January 13, 2012

011312.1--Message for Today: Storm, Flood

I picked up huge storm and flood on the way.  I'm not sure where this would hit, but it suggested that it may hit somewhere in Europe; it could be on the eastern part.  Or, it could be a huge financial melt-down or rally is on the way.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

010112.7--Message for Today: Love

There is only one and strong message to welcome the New Year, it is a message of "LOVE."