Tuesday, May 31, 2011

053111.13.4--Message for Today: Danger, 666, 333

I believe today's message is a follow-up of the previous message I posted here.  The source materials of these codes are very interesting to me, and I believe to you too; and they are complex symbols.  Like the previous one, I’ll present them to you, so you can decipher them; and put them together, yourself.  I’ll give my opinion here as well; and perhaps, may be you can share your understanding about the given material in the comment section of this post—you can post as “Anonymous.”

Here’s the coded message:  “A hardcover book with dark-blue jacket with a number '666' written as a book title presented by a young woman in her twenty’s, I guess; and a grayish number '333' flashed directly below the book."  This message is just part of other codes, but I believe it has enough information for you to decode it.

My message to you out of this:  “We have been given knowledge and wisdom, through spiritual inspiration, about the [coming] danger or destruction

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