At the beginning of each
age, a Master Teacher is sent to Earth to bring a greater measure of “The
Light” into the ongoing evolution of “Man’s” consciousness; helping to guide
“Man” back to an awareness of his heritage.
Near the beginning of our
present (soon to be finished) “Dark Age,” a great teacher was born into the
physical Earth Plane. A “Man,” illumined by the efforts of unnumbered years.
This “Man,” approved by all the masterminds of Heaven and Earth; this Jesus,
this great spiritual being Esu, Chief of all the Sages of the World, brought
within his being the Great White Light of “The Christ” (the one and only “Man”)
(The Perfect Being) (The Lord God).
He came to Earth at a point
in time when Earth was at a far distance from the Light of the Universal
Central Sun. A time when the consciousness of the population was at a very low
His purpose in being here at
that time was to bring the Light/Love of the Creator back into the hearts and
awareness of all people. To begin “The Great Awakening.”
He came to be the example of
how “Man” on Earth could overcome his gross nature and return to his natural
state. He was called “The Son of God.” He was also called “The Son of Man.”
This One, whose message was
heard around the circumference of the World, had great purpose in being
present. A great message was to be for Earth’s people. For this One brought
within his being a "Great Presence." He was to speak a "Great Truth."
Again, as he had many times
before, “man” experienced the touch he could not discredit. A Great and Mighty
Being had drifted down from the Infinite to the Finite. He brought this Great
Truth: “I am The Son, I Am The Way and The Light. To All Men I AM The Way.”
The greeting “Namaste”
means, “We Salute The God Within You.” On our spiritual side we are all “Sons
of God” - “Sons Of The One Man.”
The Christ Light is the Son
of God. (The Divine & only Man created by Divine Mind/Principle – the
manifested form of the Creative Source.)
Jesus was chosen to manifest
that Light and Love. The soul, which we know by the name Jesus, had completed
his work in the fourth dimension, but instead of continuing to the Fifth
Dimension, he chose to help us prepare for the transition before us by
returning to the Third Dimension.
An Avatar, a fragment direct
from and still one with the Christ, one of those great beings who, not being
manifested in the physical did not fall with the Sons of Man, descends the
scale of vibration from loftier planes to help the people of 3rd dimensional Earth. Jesus was a vessel through which
Christ manifested on Earth. He told us that in his Father’s House there were
many mansions, and that he goes there to prepare a place for each one of us. He
taught us to find our Universal Father from within, and told us that what he was we
could all become, and that we are all Sons or Children of God.
There are Planes of
Substance and Matter only slightly removed from the Physical. From these Planes
of Reference, thought filters down, manifesting itself as Etheric. Beings exist
on this Plane for the sole purpose of communicating to other forms of matter.
Beings surrounded by Light - transferring thought into Light. Physical matter is
the product of successive creations from this Plane.
All is Energy, Matter and
Thought occupying different vibrations (or frequencies). Thought is infinitely
fine; a force ebbing and flowing, expanding ever outwards, ever onwards. It is
so subtle. Thought – the forerunner of all expression.
Time is also involved. Time
is a pulse beat - a form of Motion and Essence between the Occurrence and
Conclusion of Manifestation.
We are manifested in the
Physical Plane to express and to gain experiences; and once again return to our
Source with all our experiences intact. But we have forgotten who we are and
our purpose for being here. Our Creator, through his great Love for all his
creations, has never abandoned us. He sends his Essence into our Plane of
Reference again and again and again. His messengers have faced many trials and
tribulations at the hands of unenlightened “man.”
“…Our ways speak of
unenlightened folly. We pursue paths that are devious. The Light has always
been with us. If we could but unveil our eyes, expand our beings and embrace
even the Sun that greets the morning skies with open eyes and minds; if we
could stand upon our feet and express the dignity of our beings; if we could
but realize the capabilities, the intent, in our very presence; if we would
only share that which is within us and give to all forms of creation that which
is a part of us, our lives would have new meaning. Our experiences would be
richer. We would be deluged with warmth and understanding. Our strife would
cease; our conflicts end, and truly Peace would be ours as well as
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