Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Change of Vibration

Our planet requires a New Understanding, a New Wisdom, or we all are in deep deep trouble.  Within a few months this Change of Emotion will initiate.  In fact, it already has, and I see the flow of waters pulsating from different directions, converging into the mainstream.  The Spirit World has sent this message of change, yet people have not gotten the message or have been blinded by their own desires to take positions of things that are perishable, and or trying to survive in the uncertainty of the unstable social emotions. 

We must open our ears and eyes wide to see this change taking place in our society, so we can choose which path to take to move forward.

We are the boundaries between Light and Darkness.  And it seems to me, because of our lack of understanding of ourselves and the Spirit World that influences us, we are making our own path to our demise. We have become consenting or friends with Darkness because we abandoned the Light that gives us life.

But thanks be to GOD, we still have small time left to reroute this path that we are creating and walking on.  Let's open our ears and eyes wide. "What you bound in earth will be bound in heaven; and what you lose in earth will be removed or lost in heaven." We need to change our understanding of who we are and find the Truth of everything to gain Wisdom.  If we do this individually; collectively, we will torch the soldiers of Darkness and expose their works, then "A New Heaven and A New Earth" will be written in this New World.

Increase your speed and the Heavenly Fire will not catch you.  It is done!